CEO Executive resume example for senior level management professional with experience as President and CEO. This is an excellent resume example for executives in C-Level and upper-level Vice President (VP) positions.
This resume uses a job title headline with a subheading that states their expertise in corporate strategy, development, and implementation. The remainder of the introduction includes a unique two-column resume format.
You can see the profile summary section on the left. This profile includes five paragraphs to focus on key areas such as performing ineffective executive roles, delivering results, and leveraging human capital.
The job seeker includes a quick list of essential qualifications in the right column. This gives the employer a brief summary of their expertise. This section includes personal strengths such as vision, execution and strategy. Functional experience in acquisitions, finance, legal and product development can be emphasized in a second column similar to this or can be added as a bulleted table beneath a profile section.
A standard education section and professional affiliations are listed at the bottom. This enables the job seeker to document their JD and MBA degrees.

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CEO Resume Writing
This senior executive has heavily emphasized his value proposition and qualifications within this resume. Leading a consulting organization for a long period of time provided this key executive with a far more diverse set of skills than a typical CEO. The emphasis on his resume is highly justified in this extensive skill profile. This resume writer very tactfully displays this CEO’s wide range of capabilities that would certainly be overlooked by just reviewing this individual’s work experience.
The job experience lists each company, business description and employment dates. The CEO’s most prominent capabilities are displayed in bold, as are his introductions to his on-the-job accomplishments, such as cost reductions and improved growth.
This CEO resume example concludes with areas for Education to document the MBA, JD and BS degrees. This resume also has a section for professional affiliations. As a top-level executive, you should consider supplementing your resume with an executive bio.