Entertainment Executive Resume Example

This resume serves up a good example of an Entertainment Executive with job experience as Director and Vice President of Entertainment.  If you are in any upper level position in entertainment or hospitality then this document may serve as a good reference.

How was this resume constructed?  The resume uses a job title heading that highlights three key areas of expertise in interactive marketing, international business and partnership development.  By doing this we are defining the key areas of strength that we wish to gain recognition for immediately.

The executive summary provides additional information about their experience managing multi-million dollar international business operations.  While writing your summary section, be sure to use shorter sentences than even this example uses.  The point of this summary is that it can be scanned and digested quickly.  Readability is crucial to keeping the attention of your reader.  The area below includes a bullet point table of professional strengths such as P&L management, corporate branding, market analysis and media planning.

In this hybrid format, the important career accomplishments are documented at the beginning. This strategy is effective when you have several great accomplishments spread throughout a long career with multiple job positions. Utilizing this technique allows the reader will quickly understand the depth of success without having to read through multiple job descriptions. Notice how the job seeker emphasizes partnership building, international integration, revenue enhancement and cost savings.

Entertainment Executive Resume Example

Entertainment Executive Resume Example – Page 1

Entertainment Executive Resume Sample

Entertainment Executive Resume Example – Page 2

Entertainment Executive Resume Writing

The professional experience follows. The candidate includes company and employment dates with a paragraph in italics that provides a brief explanation of their responsibility at each position. The bullet points highlight the specific projects and accomplishments at each position.

The remainder of the resume includes areas for documenting the candidate’s education background including an MBA as well as professional memberships. Professional affiliations should typically be included at the bottom of the resume unless the affiliation stands as a key qualification. In that situation, am important affiliation can be included in the bulleted section following the opening summary.