Below you will find a resume for a military professional that transitioned into a Firefighter and Emergency Technician (EMT). This is a good general reference for individuals switching into any civil service position such as medical assistant, fireman or police officer.
The summary uses a job title headline to ensure the target is focused on a job as a firefighter. The subheading also documents their certification.
The resume focuses on knowledge in the new field such as emergency operations, hazardous materials, trauma and life support. Transferable skills like aviation emergency and program development are featured.
The professional experience section is all about their past position as a firefighter. A highly detailed list of duties and responsibilities are listed. Like most firefighters, many responsibilities are also achievements when you people and property from fires and other hazards.
The education section lists an Associate of Fire Science and training in fire fighting, fire inspection and fire instruction.

Firefighter Resume Example
Firefighter Resume Writing Tips
- Respond to emergency calls for residential and commercial fires in order to suppress fire.
- Perform search and rescue functions in order to quickly remove people from dangerous areas and ensure safety of immediate area.
- Utilize fire suppression techniques designed to quickly put out fires while salvaging as much property as possible.
- Provide emergency response to medical calls and aid patients by applying CPR or first aid.
- Assist Fire Marshall and inspection teams with home safety inspections, commercial business code inspections and general fire surveys.
- Assist EMT ambulance service in removing patients from locations and preparing transport to hospitals.
- Investigate incidents involving hazardous materials, dangerous locations or potential fire hazards.
- Perform periodic training and testing including equipment training, fire drills, written testing and exercise drills.
- Oversee inspection and cleaning of firefighting equipment, clothing, helmets, gloves, masks, hoses, pumps and other special devices.
- Test fire hydrants for pressure, cleanliness, accessibility and functionality.