This is a resume for a high school teacher with teaching experience in Home Economics. The job seekers background also qualifies themselves for administrative positions in education.
The resume starts with a bullet list profile of qualification that identify the job seeker as a high energy education with a solid track record. The job seeker makes sure to emphasize strong people skills, ability to develop rapport with students and experience in individualized instruction.
The profile is followed by a formal education section that documents the Master of Arts degree in Educational Administration and Bachelor of Science in Home Economics. Seminars, Workshops and Certifications follow.
Since this candidate only has two previous teaching jobs they have written this resume in reverse chronological format. The job seeker lists the school, title and dates with paragraphs that outline duties and responsibilities. The bullet point lists separate accomplishments and key functions at each position.
Related experience is listed at the end of the resume with summer work programs, part time faculty positions, research projects and conferences. The writers also documents community involvement with experience as a volunteer.

Home Economics Teacher Resume Example – Page 1
Home Economics Teacher Resume Example – Page 2
Home Economics Teacher Resume Statements
- Experience high school level history teacher, capable of teaching up to 5 core subjects related to United States, European and World History.
- Secondary experience in French language, capable of teaching French classes as complimentary study.
- Take on initiatives and responsibility to ensure academic progress of all students, regardless of starting level.
- Create instructional classes in accordance with planning and timing guidelines.
- Design and implement coherent but challenging curriculum for each class.
- Lead efforts to sustain a high level of discipline in class, consistently improving behavior.
- Utilize various forms of data and metrics to refine classes, processes and practices.
- Collaborate with colleagues, support staff, principal and administrators to provide a positive educational environment.
- Strong technical understanding of education software, Microsoft Office and proprietary learning tools.
Home Economics Teacher Resume By Advantage ResumesÂ