Seamstress resume example for a consummate professional in her field specializing in Leatherwork, Patching and Textile design.
This seamstress is a is a loyal business contributor who provides a wide variety of services including customer attention.
Whether looking to stay put or expand her independent customer base, this candidate is a career’s worth of experience and shows her ability to assist in the business-end of things, as well as seamstressing.

Seamstress Resume Example
Seamstress Resume Statements
- A skilled seamstress with 25 years’ experience working with leather and fabric to repair and create wearable items.
- With an expansive skillset and innovative approach to repair, commits to excellent customer service with each project, suggesting customizations and cost-saving ideas.
- In search of a creative opportunity to increase responsibilities, contribute leadership and expand knowledge of apparel industry.
- Work part time for busy repair business, providing elaborate and basic repairs to mostly leather-based apparel and footwear – jackets, belts, bags, boots, etc.
- Communicate directly with customers to understand their needs to provide a comprehensive experience and great service value.
- Create custom handbag straps, patch jackets and pants, hem sleeves and pants.
- Purchase high quality materials to complete highly custom jobs using colored leathers.