This communications resume was created for a highly accomplished communications and training director whose current position is being cut due to budget constraints. The goal was to truly highlight just how exemplary this client has been throughout his employment.
To drive home this idea immediately, an introductory paragraph and summary of qualification section were utilized to describe the strongest relevant qualities to a prospective employer.
The most critical accomplishments were also written in bold font throughout his employment history so that they did not simply blend in throughout this packed resume.
To help this client really stand out from other applicants, a separate section for notable accomplishments was created. Additionally, awards and honors were included in his education section and impressive proficiencies were listed to complete the resume.
The combination of all of these factors on this communications resume should help this client rise to the top of a crowded applicant pool.
Communications Resume Summary
- Highly effective director, leader and trainer with over 17 years of experience specializing in optimizing program growth, professional interpersonal communications and maintaining excellent customer satisfaction.
- Offering an array of skills in people management, talent development and recruitment, employee coaching, implementing educational events, survey design, facilitating training presentations, retail sales, logical problem solving and cross-functional collaboration.
- Track record of success working with young students and employees to guide them in maximizing their potential to shape the world of tomorrow.
Professional Experience Statements
- Wrote successful contract proposal with the state of XX worth $18 million over three years.
- Developed Cultural & Linguistic Competence training that was adopted by the College of Medicine and is required of all 700 first-year medical and veterinary medicine students.
- Served as author of leadership development curriculum and teacher of Ped-I-Care’s leadership academy.
- Demonstrate lead authorship, management, implementation and oversight of the annual cultural and linguistic competence plan and self-evaluation.
- Oversee website development and management.
- Create, publish and distribute member newsletters, provider communications, press releases and comprehensive programmatic brochure.
- Provide training programs and materials for employees and network providers, specific to cultural and linguistic competence as well as execution of contracts.
- Establish and coordinate new employee orientation program and regular training events for employees, specific to career and professional development.
- Deliver leadership of team-building education, efforts and follow-through.
- Assume responsibility for cross-functional collaboration, negotiation and troubleshooting relevant to staff development, strategic programmatic planning and evaluation.
- Recognized as co-author on 48 scholarly publications and presentations, lead author on 47 business publications and presentations and lead author on eight multi-media and creative productions.
- Penned several successful national and state award nominations for the Department of Pediatrics.
- Authored training on Informed Consent in Medical Research that was eventually adopted for the entire university via Human Resources’ compliance training as well as produced compliance training videos.
- Trained, developed and mentored volunteer research assistant team recruited from graduate and undergraduate programs, helping several present their own peer-reviewed research and gain acceptance to medical school.
- Generated training materials on cultural and linguistic competence used statewide by Children’s Medical Services and network providers.