Marketing and Sales Executive with previous job positions as Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Operations. This is great resume resource for anyone in high level sales or business development positions.
The resume opens with an executive profile where the job seeker states that they have more than 15 years of experience in sales, marketing and operations. The writer makes sure to explain they have worked at the district, regional and corporate level in retail and manufacturing companies.
The resume utilizes key sales and management qualifications in a bullet list format that include sales, business development, strategic planning, accounting management and other related expertise that will match the job targets.
The professional experience section uses paragraphs where the job seeker identifies their role in the executive position. Notice that the writer documents the size of the company and number of staff members managed so the reader understands the extent of their responsibilities. Bullet points highlight specific accomplishments such as growing business, improving gross profit, hiring employees and creating a marketing campaign.
The resume also includes an education section to show the Bachelor degree in Business Administration. The candidate also included the Dale Carnegie training.
Marketing Sales Resume Example – Page 1
Marketing Sales Executive Resume Example – Page 2
Marketing Sales Executive Resume Writing
Unless you work for a small business, the marketing and sales executive must include a bottom line achievement that represents millions of dollars. Either you improved millions of dollars in sales revenues, increased profits by millions or managed a multi-million dollar marketing campaign. Executives are hired to provide a major impact on a corporation and this type of accomplishment needs to be a priority.
This doesn’t mean that every achievement has to be written in terms of dollars gained or saved. You can still include % increases in production, sales, efficiency. Of course, executives need to include details of projects that were created and executed for a corporate benefit. Senior executives may many achievements. In this case, you may want to put your most proud achievements towards the top of a resume in its own section. Otherwise, you can briefly mention core achievements in the summary or introductory area of the resume. This is where a professional writer can be of great value and why most executives prefer to work with a professional writer.
Marketing Sales Executive Resume Example By Career ResumesÂ